
Weekly diet update

Another week has passed.. 
What have I done this week? Well, nothing that was on my list from last week.. I'm such an idiot sometimes because it actually were good idea's. Wait, I have had a good breakfast, once. Not really an improvement is it? 
I haven't been to the gym the past week but I have joined a group on Facebook called 'Burn those abs!'. These people do ab workouts everyday for a half hour, and this for a month straight. But since I joined Wednesday I decided to start next week and also keep it up for a month, so wish me luck. 
Thursday was my low point this week, February 14th coincidence? I guess, no. It's because I got a rose with some candy from my best friend and I decided to eat it all at once. Yeah, not my best idea ever. 
For the rest of the week I have been very good. I didn't eat too much according to my app. 
Since I thought my list from last week was a good idea I'm going to keep that one up so here's my new list:
-Write down some key words about the week so I can actually make a good blog post.
- Start the day of with a good breakfast. 
- Actually do those ab work outs.

And another thing I want to share with you is the Harlem Shake. There was one in my hometown today and I went there with a friend but we were a little late so we couldn't join, we're a bit sad about that. It's the biggest one in Holland so far and when the video is online I will share it with you guys!




  1. I've been doing a twenty minute abb work-out for like 6 days now. I can't tell much difference yet but when I do I'll let you know. Maybe that'll give you more motivation. (;
    I'm curious as to what you're goal is. I want pants to fit better on me. So what's yours? Let us know!

  2. Je kan het, Kay! Ik ben al trots op je!




    Ps: I started a running blog with my best friend. www.chicksrunningonkicks.com
